Tag Archives: Addictions

Event Planning and Publicity – Facebookaholics Anonymous

We decided to model our first event on ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ and hold a group, open to the public, where we would lead a group discussion on Facebook Identity and its construction and the general uses of Facebook within the group. We started to consider the topics, discussions and questions we would cover, publicity, location, etc.

The following images and documents illustrate some of that planning:

Draft Script:

001 002 003

Final Script:

(Click on link)

FBA plan

Publicity: flyer and logo


Location – considered public and private spaces, ideally we would have held the event in a community centre or public space we could have hired but due to time and finances we were unable to. We considered a private space but decided it would attract more people in an open public setting such as a café/coffee shop. As we documented the event we decided not to hold the meeting in a commercial coffee shop but in the college café, this enabled us to film, photograph and sound record the event without any issues of permission, though this may have been more uninviting for members of the general public if they had not previously visited the college.

One community centre we did consider was, Tothill Community Centre, Knighton Road, Plymouth PL4 9DA.

Publicity emails and posts:

email to all students screenshot

FB POST publicity
Communication and Confidentiality:
3 1
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